Located at 516 North Woods Ave. on the West side of Evansville, Indiana. Two blocks west of Tekoppel Ave. Between Hogue Rd. and Upper Mt. Vernon Rd.
From North and South:
Take Highway 41 to the Lloyd Expressway West. Then follow From East:.
From East: Take the Lloyd Expressway West to Rosenberger, (the west side Kolhs is there). It is the next traffic light after you pass St. Joseph Ave. and Bristol Myers Squibb. Turn right on Rosenberger (There is a McDonalds on the northwest corner and a Chic-Fil-A on the southwest corner). Then follow final instructions.
From West: Take Lloyd Expressway East past U.S.I. Campus to Rosenberger (There is a McDonalds on the northwest corner), Turn Left on Rosenberger. Then follow final instructions.
Final Instructions: There is a McDonalds and a Thorntons quick mart at Rosenberger. Go North on Rosenberger to the stop sign, This is Hogue Rd. Bob’s Gym is on the left and Kohls and Shoe Carnival are on the right. Turn right on Hogue Rd. and go two blocks to Woods Ave. Turn left on Woods Ave. and we are 3/4 of the way down the block on the left. Look for our sign on the left hand side at the corner of our drive.
Contact Form
516 N. Woods Ave. Evansville, IN 47712
Phone: 812-424-9397
Toll-Free Number:
Address: 516 N. Woods Ave. Evansville, IN 47712